Sunday, November 10, 2013


The image below is a tempera painting done by Giotto around 1300 titled "Crucifix" and it depicts Jesus on a cross. This image shows emphasis through its use of a main focal point as well as a few other points that draw the viewers' attention.

As seen by the red arrows, the shape of the cross naturally brings the viewer to Christ's head as it is located where the horizontal beam and the vertical beam intersect. In addition to the shape of the cross, Christ's body itself brings the viewers' eyes to his head because his head is located between his hands and at the top of his torso which is where the viewer follows his legs up to. The blue and yellow arrows indicate where secondary focal points occur. Each is the apex point of a triangle and also one of the end points of the vertical beam in the crucifix. The triangular shape indicated by the arrows is an example of the visual movement that is used in this painting in an effort to create emphasis on certain focal points.

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