Sunday, November 10, 2013


The image below is a 1610 painting by Michelangelo called "Doubting Thomas (Incredulity of Saint Thomas)" and it shows asymmetrical balance.
 As the arrows show, the painting can be divided into two sections both vertically and horizontally. The yellow arrow splits the painting into two balanced sections. Both above and below the line, there is a great deal of light very close to the arrow. These areas of light essentially cancel each other out. The same can be said of the dark areas in the corners of the painting. Since each side of the arrow contains a similar amount of darkness, balance is achieved. Looking at the white arrow, we can see that there is balance between the areas to the left and right of it. The arrow is off center due to the amount of darkness there is on the right side of the painting. It is counterbalanced by the bright light that appears at the far left.

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