Friday, September 13, 2013

To Give Tangible Form to Ideas/Feelings

This picture is "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci (Oil on wood, 1503-06). This is a good example of the role of giving a tangible form to ideas and feelings because while there may seem to be very little taking place in this portrait, there is actually a lot to take in. This work is famous around the world and one of the reasons is because of how much there is to interpret in this work. There are debates on who the subject really is, whether it is a man or a woman, what the reason is for the smirk on the subjects face, etc. With so many ways to interpret this painting, there are many feelings and ideas that each interpretation can give an onlooker. For instance, if the subject is based on a historical/biblical figure, what is da Vinci trying to say about that person? Clearly, he expressed some sort of ideas in this work, but due to cloudy interpretations, what those ideas are and how they come across can vary from viewer to viewer.

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